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Ends in:
06.27 14:00:00 - 08.01 14:00:00 UTC
2,000,000 $MNT

Mantle LootDrops

Join Mantle for the first ever LootDrop. A multi-week campaign where you'll discover the best games on Mantle and have a chance to win your share of up to 2 million MNT. The more people who play, the bigger the prize pool, so recruit your friends.

How to Participate

About Join Mantle for the first ever LootDrop. A multi-week campaign where you'll discover the best games on Mantle and have a chance to win your share of up to 2 million MNT. The more people who play, the bigger the prize pool, so recruit your friends.

A requirement to participate in the campaign is to bind your social media account and mint the Mantle Journey SBT token. In the interest of better user experience we will award 0.05 $MNT to those who complete the social media account binding to use as gas for minting the Mantle Journey SBT token.

Mint Now

While all participating users will receive a base reward amount of $MNT, many lucky ones will receive special LootBoxes that contain more substantial $MNT prizes. Your level of engagement during the several-week long campaign will determine your chances of winning a bigger prize.

More specifically every user’s chance of receiving a special LootBox will be determined by The number of weekly challenges completed Their avatar level at the conclusion of the campaign

Join Now

Additionally, each week, 25 lucky winners will be randomly selected from the pool of players who have completed the weekly challenges and rewarded with **777 $MNT reward each. **

Mantle will be giving away 777 Citizen of Mantle NFTs (CoM) and 777 add on traits every week. The winners will be randomly selected every week based on the list of weekly eligible participants. Distribution will be announced at a later date (~mid July)

*Please note that we’ll be taking anti-sybil measures. Sybil accounts will not be eligible to receive rewards. *

How does it work? As mentioned above, a LootDrop is a campaign run over several weeks. Each week will include 1-3 quests, usually related to a particular game. A user needs to complete all of the actions under a quest and all quests during a week to increase their multiplier. The quest actions will differ from easy social quests to harder game play quests.

We aim to have no quest that would require the user to spend more than they would receive if they get the base prize. In addition, all actions on the portal are gas free. This includes minting an avatar, leveling up, claiming rewards, etc. For the Mantle LootDrop, users will receive 0.05 MNT for completing the first quest, which will allow them to complete subsequent onchain quests for free!

In order to start the LootDrop a user should: 1.Sign into the site with a wallet 2.Mint an avatar, choose traits, go to the home page 3.Complete Level 0 (this is optional, but highly recommended) 4.Navigate to the LootDrop page using the NavBar on the Left 5.Accept Terms and Conditions 6.Select the Mantle LootDrop 7.Select Week 1 on the right 8.Complete the onboarding quest including

Mint Mantle Journey Soulbound Token (MJSBT) which is a non-transferrable digital identity token. To create a Mantle Journey profile, you must mint an MJSBT, which captures your characteristics, records, and achievements in the Mantle ecosystem.


Ends in:
06.27 14:00:00 - 08.01 14:00:00 UTC
2,000,000 $MNT